
a type of mushroom, or fungal fruiting body; on the underside of the cap there is usually a spongy surface with pores

part of speech: Noun

Koval'chuk, Nadezhda I.
1961 year of birth
birth place: Njuhovo, Olonecky Destrict, Republic of Karelia


Places of use: Gallezero, Mikhailovsky

Koval'chuk, Nadezhda I.
1961 year of birth
birth place: Njuhovo, Olonecky Destrict, Republic of Karelia
Rodionova, Alexandra
1979 year of birth
birth place: Пряжа, Prjazhinsky District, Republic of Karelia


Places of use: Mikhailovsky, Svyatozero

Southern Ludian (Svjatozero)
Singular Plural
Nominative griba gribad, gribat
Accusative griba, griban gribad, gribat
Genitive griban griboiden, gribuoiden
Partitive gribad griboid, gribuoid
Essive griban, gribannu griboin, griboinnu, gribuoin, gribuoinnu
Translative gribaks, gribakse griboiks, griboikse, gribuoiks, gribuoikse
Abessive gribata griboita, gribuoita
Inessive gribas gribois, gribuois
Elative gribas, gribaspiäi gribois, griboispiäi, gribuois, gribuoispiäi
Illative gribah griboih, gribuoih
Adessive gribal griboil, gribuoil
Ablative gribal, gribalpiäi griboil, griboilpiäi, gribuoil, gribuoilpiäi
Allative gribal, gribale griboil, griboile, gribuoil, gribuoile
Co­mi­ta­ti­ve gribanke griboineh, gribuoineh
Prolative gribači griboiči, gribuoiči
Ap­pro­xi­ma­ti­ve griballoh, griballoo, griballuo griboilloh, griboilloo, griboilluo, gribuoilloh, gribuoilloo, gribuoilluo
In­struc­ti­ve griboin, gribuoin
Ter­mi­na­ti­ve gribassuai griboissuai, gribuoissuai
Aditive gribahpiäi griboihpiäi, gribuoihpiäi