face of an animal, muzzle, snout

part of speech: Noun

Koval'chuk, Nadezhda I.
1961 year of birth
birth place: Njuhovo, Olonecky Destrict, Republic of Karelia

face of an animal, muzzle, snout

Places of use: Mikhailovsky


face of an animal, muzzle, snout

Places of use: Gallezero

Rodionova, Alexandra
1979 year of birth
birth place: Пряжа, Prjazhinsky District, Republic of Karelia

face of an animal, muzzle, snout

Places of use: Svyatozero

Southern Ludian (Svjatozero)
Singular Plural
Nominative turbe turbad, turbat
Accusative turban, turbe turbad, turbat
Genitive turban turbiden
Partitive turbad turbid
Essive turban, turbannu turbin, turbinnu
Translative turbaks, turbakse turbiks, turbikse
Abessive turbata turbita
Inessive turbas turbis
Elative turbas, turbaspiäi turbis, turbispiäi
Illative turbah turbih
Adessive turbal turbil
Ablative turbal, turbalpiäi turbil, turbilpiäi
Allative turbal, turbale turbil, turbile
Co­mi­ta­ti­ve turbanke turbineh
Prolative turbači turbiči
Ap­pro­xi­ma­ti­ve turballoh, turballoo, turballuo turbilloh, turbilloo, turbilluo
In­struc­ti­ve turbin
Ter­mi­na­ti­ve turbassuai turbissuai
Aditive turbahpiäi turbihpiäi