hedgehog (animal)

a small mammal, characterized by their spiny back and often by the habit of rolling up into a ball when attacked

part of speech: Noun

Rodionova, Alexandra
1979 year of birth
birth place: Пряжа, Prjazhinsky District, Republic of Karelia

hedgehog (animal)

Places of use: Svyatozero

Southern Ludian (Svjatozero)
Singular Plural
Nominative ježa ježad, ježat
Accusative ježa, ježan ježad, ježat
Genitive ježan ježoiden, ježuoiden
Partitive ježad ježoid, ježuoid
Essive ježan, ježannu ježoin, ježoinnu, ježuoin, ježuoinnu
Translative ježaks, ježakse ježoiks, ježoikse, ježuoiks, ježuoikse
Abessive ježata ježoita, ježuoita
Inessive ježas ježois, ježuois
Elative ježas, ježaspiäi ježois, ježoispiäi, ježuois, ježuoispiäi
Illative ježah ježoih, ježuoih
Adessive ježal ježoil, ježuoil
Ablative ježal, ježalpiäi ježoil, ježoilpiäi, ježuoil, ježuoilpiäi
Allative ježal, ježale ježoil, ježoile, ježuoil, ježuoile
Co­mi­ta­ti­ve ježanke ježoineh, ježuoineh
Prolative ježači ježoiči, ježuoiči
Ap­pro­xi­ma­ti­ve ježalloh, ježalloo, ježalluo ježoilloh, ježoilloo, ježoilluo, ježuoilloh, ježuoilloo, ježuoilluo
In­struc­ti­ve ježoin, ježuoin
Ter­mi­na­ti­ve ježassuai ježoissuai, ježuoissuai
Aditive ježahpiäi ježoihpiäi, ježuoihpiäi

Koval'chuk, Nadezhda I.
1961 year of birth
birth place: Njuhovo, Olonecky Destrict, Republic of Karelia

hedgehog (animal)

Places of use: Mikhailovsky


hedgehog (animal)

Places of use: Gallezero