solid crust formed on snow after thawing and refreezing

part of speech: Noun

Koval'chuk, Nadezhda I.
1961 year of birth
birth place: Njuhovo, Olonecky Destrict, Republic of Karelia

1. solid crust formed on snow after thawing and refreezing

Places of use: Mikhailovsky

2. вилы

Places of use: Gallezero, Mikhailovsky

Rodionova, Alexandra
1979 year of birth
birth place: Пряжа, Prjazhinsky District, Republic of Karelia

1. гусь
2. solid crust formed on snow after thawing and refreezing

Places of use: Gallezero, Svyatozero

Central Ludian (Munozero)
Singular Plural
Nominative hangi hanged, hanget
Accusative hangen, hangi hanged, hanget
Genitive hangen hangiden
Partitive hanged hangid
Essive hangen, hangennu hangin, hanginnu
Translative hangeks, hangekse hangiks, hangikse
Abessive hangeta hangita
Inessive hanges hangis
Elative hanges, hangespiäi hangis, hangispiäi
Illative hangeh hangih
Adessive hangel hangil
Ablative hangel, hangelpiäi hangil, hangilpiäi
Allative hangel, hangele hangil, hangile
Co­mi­ta­ti­ve hangenke hangineh
Prolative hangeči hangiči
Ap­pro­xi­ma­ti­ve hangelloh, hangelloo, hangelluo hangilloh, hangilloo, hangilluo
In­struc­ti­ve hangin
Ter­mi­na­ti­ve hangessuai hangissuai
Aditive hangehpiäi hangihpiäi