
a mineral substance made up of small crystals of silica and alumina, that is ductile when moist; the material of pre-fired ceramics

part of speech: Noun

Koval'chuk, Nadezhda I.
1961 year of birth
birth place: Njuhovo, Olonecky Destrict, Republic of Karelia
Rodionova, Alexandra
1979 year of birth
birth place: Пряжа, Prjazhinsky District, Republic of Karelia


Places of use: Gallezero, Mikhailovsky, Svyatozero

Southern Ludian (Svjatozero)
Singular Plural
Nominative savi saved, savet
Accusative saven, savi saved, savet
Genitive saven saviden
Partitive saved savid
Essive saven, savennu savin, savinnu
Translative saveks, savekse saviks, savikse
Abessive saveta savita
Inessive saves savis
Elative saves, savespiäi savis, savispiäi
Illative saveh savih
Adessive savel savil
Ablative savel, savelpiäi savil, savilpiäi
Allative savel, savele savil, savile
Co­mi­ta­ti­ve savenke savineh
Prolative saveči saviči
Ap­pro­xi­ma­ti­ve savelloh, savelloo, savelluo savilloh, savilloo, savilluo
In­struc­ti­ve savin
Ter­mi­na­ti­ve savessuai savissuai
Aditive savehpiäi savihpiäi