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Konz Jumalan valdkund tuleb?


March 21, 2022 in 17:20 Nataly Krizhanovsky

  • changed the title of the translation
    from Лука 16:20-21
    to Лука 17:20-21

March 21, 2022 in 17:19 Nataly Krizhanovsky

  • changed the title of the translation
    from Konz Jumalan valdkund tuleb?
    to Лука 16:20-21

July 05, 2020 in 12:07 Валентина Старкова

  • created the text translation

June 21, 2020 in 06:43 Andrew Krizhanovsky

  • changed the text
    20Kerdan farisejad küzuiba Iisusal, konz Jumalan valdkund tuleb. Hän sanui heile: «Jumalan valdkund ei tule muga, miše sen tulendan voiži nägištada. 21Ei voi sanuda: Se om tägä, vai Se om sigä. Kackat: Jumalan valdkund om teiden südäimiš.»

June 21, 2020 in 06:42 Andrew Krizhanovsky

  • changed the text
    20Kerdan farisejad küzuiba Iisusal, konz Jumalan valdkund tuleb. Hän sanui heile: «Jumalan valdkund ei tule muga, miše sen tulendan voiži nägištada. 21Ei voi sanuda: „Se om tägä, vai „Se om sigä. Kackat: Jumalan valdkund om teiden südäimiš.»
  • changed the comments of the source
    from Evangelii Lukan mödhe. Iisus matkas jerusalimha 9:51-19:27. 17.
    to Evangelii Lukan mödhe. Iisus matkas jerusalimha 9:51-19:27. 17. От Луки святое благовествование, Глава 17. Библия (Синодальный перевод). en=Luke|17