VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Livvi

part of speech: Noun

phonetic variants: ripši (Vedlozero, Nekkula); ripše (Kondushi)

1 meaning

  • Russian: ресница

2 meaning

concept: panicle
  • Russian: метёлка, соцветие растений
  • English: panicle


Veps: kistiine; liste; lüuste; lüustkut

Ludian: helve; ripš; ripšu; tähk; tähke

Karelian Proper: helvee; helveh; ripsi; ripsu; ripči; ripšu; riveh; rybeh; ryveh; tähkä

dialects of usage: Syamozero, Tulmozero, Vidlitsa

wordforms (41)

ripsi (-n, -i; -löi)