VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Ludian

part of speech: Noun

phonetic variants: höyhen’ (Central Ludian (Munozero), Mikhailovskoye); höuhen’ (Southern Ludian (Svjatozero)); höuhen (Southern Ludian (Svjatozero)); höihen (Southern Ludian (Svjatozero))

Koval'chuk, Nadezhda I.
1961 year of birth
birth place: Нюхово, Olonecky Destrict, Republic of Karelia
Rodionova, Alexandra
1979 year of birth
birth place: Пряжа, Prjazhinsky District, Republic of Karelia

1 meaning

concept: soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds
  • Russian: пух
  • English: Soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds


Veps: heenez; höuneh; hüuneh; hüüneh

Livvi: höyhen

Karelian Proper: heyhen; höuhnä; höyhen; puuha; puuhha; puwha; sulga

dialects of usage: Southern Ludian (Svjatozero)

2 meaning

  • Russian: перо (птичье)
  • Finish: höyhen

wordforms (54)

höyhen [e, ]