VepKar :: Lemma search by wordforms

Lemma search by wordforms

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67 692 records were found.

No lemma language part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
111 Beloruussii Livvi Proper noun (singularia tantum) ru: Белоруссия
18 0
112 Bel’gii Livvi Proper noun (singularia tantum) ru: Бельгия
18 0
113 Beruga Karelian Proper Proper noun ru: Берлуга
4 5 / 0 / 5
114 Biblii Livvi Proper noun (singularia tantum) ru: Библия
18 2 / 3 / 5
115 Biblii Veps Proper noun Bible
46 0 / 15 / 15
116 Biblija Karelian Proper Noun ru: Библия
28 0
117 Blagovernoi Karelian Proper Adjective ru: Благоверный
18 0 / 1 / 1
118 Bohatteri Ludian Proper noun ru: Бохаттери (фамилия жителя Пелдожи)
3 3 / 11 / 14
119 Bohročča Karelian Proper Proper noun ru: Богородица
30 0 / 4 / 4
120 Bolgaria Veps Proper noun (singularia tantum) ru: Болгария
23 0 / 2 / 2

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number