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14 records were found.

No lemma language part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
1 ičein Veps Pronoun (possesive, singularia tantum) ru: свой (мой)
30 6 / 227 / 234
2 ičeiž Veps Pronoun (possesive, singularia tantum) ru: свой (твой)
14 4 / 199 / 203
3 ičemoi Veps Pronoun (possesive, pluralia tantum) ru: свой (наш)
13 1 / 157 / 159
4 ičetoi Veps Pronoun (possesive, pluralia tantum) ru: свой (ваш)
13 0 / 51 / 51
5 ičeze Veps Pronoun (possesive) ru: свой (его, их)
47 58 / 2721 / 2781
6 ičiin Veps Pronoun ru: свой (мой)
2 0 / 5 / 46
7 ičiiž Veps Pronoun ru: свой (твой)
2 0 / 25 / 25
8 ičimoi Veps Pronoun ru: свой (наш)
2 0
9 ičitoi Veps Pronoun ru: свой (ваш)
2 0
10 ičize Veps Pronoun ru: свой (его, их)
2 0

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number