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68 001 record was found.

No lemma language part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
33301 mi Karelian Proper Pronoun (interrogative) 1) what
2) how much, how many (with a general indication of the quantity)
3) what (about quality, properties)
35 235 / 6231 / 6584
33302 mi Ludian Pronoun what
60 14 / 716 / 735
33303 mi Veps Subordinating conjunction than (in comparisons)
0 / 647 / 660
33304 mi Karelian Proper Pronoun (indefinite) 1) something (the object, to which the pronoun refers, is not known or not exactly known)
2) some (the property of the object, to which the pronoun refers, is not known or not exactly known)
14 3 / 5275 / 5472
33305 mi Veps Pronoun 1) what
2) ru: (в форме min в сочетании с прилагательным) какой; как
46 + 2 46 / 2445 / 2511
33306 mi Karelian Proper Pronoun (relative) what, which (serves to connect parts of a complex sentence, perform the function of union words)
14 22 / 5275 / 5472
33307 mi Livvi Pronoun 1) what
2) ru: сколько
3) ru: какой
42 57 / 3154 / 3230
33308 mi henghe mülüb Veps Phrase ru: сколько душе угодно (букв. сколько в душу поместится)
33309 mi kädehe tuli Veps Phrase (Verb group) ru: что под руку попало (букв. что в руку пришло)
33310 mi mel’heiž Veps Phrase (Noun group) ru: что тебе угодно (букв. что твоему уму)

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number