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67 668 records were found.

No lemma language part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
22021 kodipereh Livvi Noun ru: домочадцы, члены семьи
41 2 / 1 / 3
22022 kodipol’ Veps Noun ru: родная сторона
45 0
22023 kodipuoli Livvi Noun ru: родная сторона
41 0
22024 kodipuunsyöjy Livvi Noun ru: домовый дровосек (короед)
61 0
22025 kodipühä Veps Noun ru: домашний праздник
45 0 / 1 / 1
22026 kodiradnik Veps Noun ru: домработник, домработница
45 1 / 0 / 1
22027 kodiradod Veps Noun (pluralia tantum) ru: домашние работы
22 0 / 22 / 22
22028 kodirand Ludian Noun ru: родной берег
2 1 / 0 / 1
22029 kodirand Veps Noun homeland, motherland
46 2 / 24 / 26
22030 kodirandu Livvi Noun ru: родной край
41 5 / 11 / 16

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number