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67 547 records were found.

No lemma language part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
37961 odvenduz Veps Noun (singularia tantum) ru: снижение цены
23 0
37962 odvenemine Veps Noun (singularia tantum) ru: удешевление
23 0
37963 odveta Veps Verb to become cheaper, to become less expensive
115 0
37964 odveta Veps Verb to make cheap, to make less expensive, to reduce in price of, to discount
115 0 / 1 / 1
37965 od’vuala Karelian Proper Noun ru: одеяло
0 0
37966 offence English Noun the state of being offended or displeased; anger; displeasure.
0 0
37967 offend English Verb 1) to hurt the feelings of; to displease; to make angry; to insult
2) to feel or become offended, take insult
3) to physically harm, pain
4) to annoy, cause discomfort or resent
5) to sin, transgress divine law or moral rules
6) to transgress or violate a law or moral requirement
7) to cause to stumble; to cause to sin or to fall
0 0
37968 offot Veps Noun 1) ru: охота
2) ru: желание
22 2 / 2 / 4
37969 oficer Veps Noun ru: офицер
45 1 / 2 / 3
37970 oficialine Veps Adjective ru: официальный
45 1 / 23 / 24

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number