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67 566 records were found.

No lemma language part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
19541 keppikävely Livvi Noun ru: скандинавская ходьба
41 0
19542 kepuk Veps Noun ru: кепка
48 0
19543 ker Veps Adjective ru: туго скрученный
45 0 / 83 / 86
19544 ker Karelian Proper Postposition ru: с (со), вместе с
2 / 12 / 14
19545 ker Ludian Postposition ru: с
0 + 1 23 / 101 / 124
19546 kera Veps Noun 1) ball, clew (of yarn)
2) cabbage
46 2 / 84 / 88
19547 kera Karelian Proper Postposition with
14 / 1910 / 1924
19548 kera Ludian Noun ru: клубок
2 0 / 26 / 26
19549 keraažet Ludian Noun ru: почки
2 0
19550 keradai Veps Noun collector (of books, stamps etc.)
46 1 / 11 / 12

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number