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6 340 records were found.

No lemma part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
5621 varz’ Noun stem, stalk
0 0
5622 varz Noun ru: жеребенок
2 0
5623 varzaane Noun ru: жеребенок
0 0
5624 varzaine Noun ru: жеребенок
54 0
5625 varzi Noun stem, stalk
54 2 / 0 / 3
5626 Vas’aine Proper noun ru: Васенька, Василиса
3 1 / 0 / 1
5627 vas’k Noun copper
0 0
5628 vaski Noun copper
54 4 / 0 / 4
5629 vaskine Noun ru: медный, fi: vaskinen
2 0
5630 vast Noun ru: веник
2 0 / 5 / 5

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number