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68 763 records were found.

No lemma language part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
59001 tün’ Veps Adjective 1) quiet; calm, gentle, serene
2) ru: слабый
45 0 / 54 / 54
59002 t’ünduda Veps Verb to calm down
39 0
59003 tünduda Veps Verb to calm down
38 0
59004 tüništoitta Veps Verb to calm smb. down
127 + 2 2 / 3 / 5
59005 tüništuda Veps Verb 1) to calm down
2) ru: становиться, стать слабее
3) to calm down
115 0 / 19 / 19
59006 tün’tabaine Veps Adjective gentle; mild
2 0 / 1 / 1
59007 tünäs Veps Adverb ru: тихо, спокойно
0 / 18 / 18
59008 tünäšti Veps Adverb ru: тихо, спокойно
0 / 3 / 3
59009 tünüz’ Veps Noun (singularia tantum) 1) ru: покой
2) ru: штиль
23 0 / 14 / 14
59010 tüp Veps Noun ru: пробка
48 0 / 1 / 1

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number