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May 21, 2020 in 16:58
Nataly Krizhanovsky
- created total number of wordforms: 46
February 09, 2019 in 21:33
Nataly Krizhanovsky
- changed the part of speech
from Noun
to Adjective
- created the meaning 2
- created the interpretation of the meaning 2 (Russian): косой, кривой, изогнутый
- created the interpretation of the meaning 2 (English): curved, bent, crooked
- created the meaning 3
- created the interpretation of the meaning 3 (Russian): ложный, неверный
- created the interpretation of the meaning 3 (English): false, untrue
- created the meaning 4
- created the interpretation of the meaning 4 (Russian): неправильный, фальшивый
- created the interpretation of the meaning 4 (English): incorrect, wrong