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14 records were found.

No lemma language part of speech interpretation wordforms * Examples **
1 otta Veps Verb 1) to take
2) to collect, to levy, to take monies (in forms of taxes, payments, duties, tariffs, and fines)
3) to take out, to pull out, to draw out, to extract
4) to adopt, to borrow, to take (from)
5) to peck, to pick (for birds)
6) to accept, to take in
7) ru: быть похожим
342 + 3 85 / 1602 / 1687
2 otta Ludian Verb ru: брать
2 2 / 0 / 22
3 ottaa Karelian Proper Verb ru: брать
1 0 / 16 / 17
4 ottaa Livvi Verb ru: брать
1 1 / 46 / 47
5 ottada Ludian Verb 1) ru: брать, взять, забирать
2) ru: взимать
3) ru: драть (кору)
4) ru: захватывать
5) ru: снимать (икону со стены)
190 419 / 11 / 442
6 ottai Ludian Verb ru: брать
1 10 / 0 / 10
7 ottia Karelian Proper Verb ru: брать
2 0
8 ottia Livvi Verb ru: брать
1 0 / 4 / 4
9 ottoa Karelian Proper Verb ru: брать
1 0 / 7 / 7
10 ottoa Livvi Verb ru: брать
1 0 / 11 / 11

* - Number of wordforms with grammatical attributes [+ Number of wordforms without grammatical attributes]

** - Checked examples / Unchecked examples / Total number