VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Veps

part of speech: Verb


1 meaning

concept: to take
  • Russian: брать, взять
  • English: to take


Livvi: ottaa; ottia; ottoa; ottua

Ludian: otta; ottada; ottai

Karelian Proper: ottaa; ottia; ottoa; ottoo; ottua; ottuu

dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Northern Veps, Southern Veps

2 meaning

  • Russian: взимать, забирать
  • English: to collect, to levy, to take monies (in forms of taxes, payments, duties, tariffs, and fines)

3 meaning

  • Russian: вынуть
  • English: to take out, to pull out, to draw out, to extract

4 meaning

  • Russian: заимствовать
  • English: to adopt, to borrow, to take (from)

5 meaning

  • Russian: клевать (о рыбе)
  • English: to peck, to pick (for birds)

6 meaning

  • Russian: принимать, принять
  • English: to accept, to take in

7 meaning

  • Russian: быть похожим

wordforms (345)

ot|ta (-ab, -i, -kaha)