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No лемма язык часть речи толкование словоформы * Примеры **
8301 gluuppane карельский: собственно карельское наречие прилагательное глупенький
32 3 / 1 / 4
8302 Gnezdova карельский: собственно карельское наречие имя собственное (только единственное число) Гнездово
16 1 / 6 / 7
8303 gnezdovoine карельский: собственно карельское наречие прилагательное гнездовский
32 1 / 1 / 2
8304 gniede карельский: людиковское наречие прилагательное гнедой
2 0
8305 gnom вепсский существительное гном
45 0 / 10 / 10
8306 -go карельский: ливвиковское наречие частица 1) ли
2) ни
3) и
34 / 39 / 47
8307 go английский глагол 1) en: (obsolete, intransitive) To walk; to travel on one's feet. [11th-19th c.] (F.e: Other brunts I also look for; but this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.)
2) en: (intransitive) To move through space (especially to or through a place). (May be used of tangible things like people or cars, or intangible things like moods or information.) (F.e: Why don’t you go with us? This train goes through Cincinnati on its way to Chicago. Chris, where are you going? There's no public transit where I'm going. Wow, look at him go!‎)
3) en: (intransitive) To move or travel through time (either literally—in a fictional or hypothetical situation in which time travel is possible—or in one's mind or knowledge of the historical record). (F.e.: Yesterday was the second-wettest day on record; you have to go all the way back to 1896 to find a day when more rain fell.)
4) en: (intransitive) To navigate (to a file or folder on a computer, a site on the internet, a memory, etc). (F.e.: Go to your earliest memory and to your favorite one, then to one that's difficult to consider.)
5) en: (transitive) To move (a particular distance, or in a particular fashion). (F.e.: We've only gone twenty miles today. This car can go circles around that one.‎)
6) en: (intransitive) To move or travel in order to do something, or to do something while moving. (F.e.: We went swimming. Let's go shopping.‎)
7) en: (intransitive) To leave; to move away. (F.e.: Please don't go! I really must be going. Workmen were coming and going at all hours of the night.‎)
0 0
8308 -go карельский: собственно карельское наречие частица ли
147 / 115 / 262
8309 goboi карельский: ливвиковское наречие существительное гобой
41 0
8310 g’oda вепсский глагол пить
62 0 / 3 / 3

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