VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Veps

part of speech: Verb

phonetic variants: voida (New written Veps, Northern Veps, Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Southern Veps)

1 meaning

concept: мочь
  • Russian: мочь, быть в состоянии
  • English: can, to be able


Livvi: void’a; voija

Ludian: voida; voitta

Karelian Proper: voija; voiji

dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Northern Veps, Southern Veps

2 meaning

  • Russian: сметь, иметь позволение
  • English: can, to be able


Livvi: void’a; voija

Ludian: voida; voitta

Karelian Proper: voija; voiji

3 meaning

  • Russian: быть здоровым; (при приветствии: 2 лицо ед. числа) здоров ли? (как здоровье?)
  • English: can, to be able


Livvi: void’a; voija

Ludian: voida; voitta

Karelian Proper: voija; voiji

wordforms (40)
