VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Livvi

part of speech: Verb (reflexive)

phonetic variants: laskevua (New written Livvic, Vedlozero); laskiakseh (Vidlitsa)

uni laskih - ru: в сон клонит (букв. сон опустился)
Michurova, Nadezhda V.
1985 year of birth
birth place: Olonets, Olonecky Destrict, Republic of Karelia

1 meaning

  • Russian: спускаться, спуститься

2 meaning

concept: to descend, to set (of a heavenly body)
  • Russian: заходить, садиться (о небесных светилах)
  • English: to descend, to set (of a heavenly body)

dialects of usage: Nekkula, Vedlozero

3 meaning

  • Russian: выпадать, выпасть

4 meaning

  • Russian: oпускаться, oпуститься

5 meaning

  • Russian: впадать

wordforms (139)

lask|iekseh (-emmos, -eh/-ehes; -ietahes; -ih/-ihes, -iettihes/-iettihesihes)