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language: Veps
part of speech: Noun
pronunciation: sihleińe (Central Western Veps)
phonetic variants: sehlišt (Northern Veps); šehlišk (Northern Veps); čihleine (Central Eastern Veps); sihlaine (New written Veps, Central Western Veps); šihlaane (Southern Veps); šihlaine (Central Western Veps)
Livvi: čiilahaine; čiiloi; šiiloi; žiiloi
Ludian: čihl; čihlane; čiilahaine
Karelian Proper: piitijäini; polttajaine; tuliheinä; čiilahaine; čiilahaini; čiilahane; čiilahani; čiilhan’
dialects of usage: Central Western Veps