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language: Veps
part of speech: Verb
pronunciation: eht΄t΄ä (Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Southern Veps)
phonetic variants: ehtta (New written Veps, Northern Veps); eht’t’a (Northern Veps, Central Western Veps)
Livvi: kypsetä; saalistua; soalistuo; sualistuo; sualištuo
Ludian: ehtida; kypsetä; sualištuda
Karelian Proper: kerritä; kypsetä; kypsyö; kypšetä; kypšyö; sualistuo; sualištuo; šaalistua; šialistuo; ši̬alistuo; šualistuo; šualist’uo; šuorita
dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Southern Veps
dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Southern Veps