VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Veps

part of speech: Adjective

pronunciation: edahaińe (Northern Veps)

phonetic variants: edaheine (Northern Veps, Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps); edahine (Central Western Veps); edahalne (Southern Veps)

edahaine korb - ru: медвежий угол (букв. далёкий угол)
edahaine pohjoine - ru: крайний север (букв. дальний север)
edahaine uništuz - ru: далёкая (несбыточная) мечта

1 meaning

concept: far
  • Russian: далёкий, дальний, крайний, отдалённый, сверхдальний
  • English: far, faraway, distant

dialects of usage: Northern Veps

wordforms (46)

edaha|ine (-ižen, -št, -ižid)