VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Veps

part of speech: Noun

pronunciation: t΄e (Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Southern Veps)

kärauta oiktale tele - ru: обратить на путь истинный (букв. повернуть на правильную дорогу)
te langeni - ru: дорога испортилась (букв. дорога упала)

omonyms: te (Pronoun)

1 meaning

concept: road
  • Russian: дорога, трасса, путь
  • English: road, way


Livvi: dogoru; dorogo; jaamu; joamu

Ludian: dorog; tie

Karelian Proper: dorog; doroga; taibaleh; taival; tie

dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Southern Veps

2 meaning

concept: путь, расстояние
  • Russian: путь, расстояние


Livvi: dorog; dorogo; matko; matku; taibaleh

Ludian: matk; matke; taibal

Karelian Proper: doroga; matka; puuti; puutti; taibale; taibaleh; taival

dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Southern Veps

wordforms (46)

te (-n, -d, -id)