VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Veps

part of speech: Verb

pronunciation: laηgeta (Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Northern Veps, Southern Veps)

langeta jaugha - ru: кланяться, падать в ноги
oza lanksi - ru: счастье выпало

omonyms: langeta (Verb)

1 meaning

concept: падать
  • Russian: падать

dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Northern Veps, Southern Veps

2 meaning

  • Russian: впадать (о реке, ручье)
  • English: to flow

3 meaning

  • Russian: опадать

4 meaning

concept: to fall out
  • Russian: выпадать, падать сверху


Livvi: kirvota

Ludian: kirbot’a

Karelian Proper: kirbota; kirvota

dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps

wordforms (119)

lan|geta (-kteb, -ksi, -gekaha)