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language: Ludian
part of speech: Noun
pronunciation: ad΄vo (Central Ludian (Munozero), Mikhailovskoye, Southern Ludian (Svjatozero))
phonetic variants: ad’v (Mikhailovskoye, Northern Ludian (Kondopoga), Southern Ludian (Svjatozero), Central Ludian (Munozero)); adiv (Mikhailovskoye)
Livvi: ad’vo; gost’o; gos’t’u; gošt’u
Karelian Proper: adivo; ad’v; ad’vo; ativo; gost’a; gos’t’; gos’t’a; kos’t’a; vieras; vieraš
dialects of usage: Central Ludian (Munozero), Mikhailovskoye, Southern Ludian (Svjatozero)
ad’vo []