VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Veps

part of speech: Verb

1 meaning

concept: to taste
  • Russian: пробовать на вкус
  • English: to taste


Livvi: koitella; mujaa; mujoa; mujua; oppie

Ludian: mujada; oppida; op’ta

Karelian Proper: kuatell; kuotella; maisella; mujada; oppie

dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Northern Veps, Southern Veps

2 meaning

  • Russian: чувствовать, ощущать, чуять
  • English: to feel, to sense, to perceive

3 meaning

concept: трогать, прикасаться
  • Russian: трогать на ощупь, щупать
  • English: to touch


Livvi: koskie

Ludian: koskeda; kosketada; likuttada; mujada; oppida; op’ta

Karelian Proper: koskie; koškia; koškie; kuotella; liikuttua; oppie

dialects of usage: Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps, Northern Veps, Southern Veps

4 meaning

  • Russian: предчувствовать
  • English: to have a presentiment, to have a foreboding (of, about)

wordforms (115)

muj|ada (-ab, -i, -agaha)