VepKar :: Lemmas


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language: Veps

part of speech: Adjective

pronunciation: t΄ühj (Central Western Veps, Southern Veps)

phonetic variants: tüh’g (Central Western Veps); tühgeine (Central Western Veps); tühd’ (Northern Veps); tühg’ (Central Eastern Veps, Central Western Veps)


omonyms: tühj (Noun)

1 meaning

concept: пустой, порожний
  • Russian: пустой, порожний
  • English: empty


Livvi: tyhdy; tyhdö; tyhjy

Ludian: tyhde; tyhd’; tyhje

Karelian Proper: tyhdä; tyhji; tyhjä

dialects of usage: Central Western Veps, Southern Veps

2 meaning

  • Russian: тщетный, напрасный
  • English: vain

3 meaning

  • Russian: безосновательный
  • English: baseless, groundless, motiveless

4 meaning

  • Russian: глупый
  • English: stupid

5 meaning

  • Russian: малосодержательный, бессодержательный
  • English: low content

6 meaning

  • Russian: полый
  • English: hollow, cored

7 meaning

concept: слабый (о человеке)
  • Russian: слабый, ослабевший

dialects of usage: Central Western Veps

8 meaning

  • Russian: абсурдный

wordforms (46)

tühj (-an, -ad, -id)