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Statistics of the text «Silda poikki Užmašta»

Total sentences: 45

Total words: 317,
The number of marked words: 237 (75%),
The number of verified words by experts: 0 (0%)

Total lemmas: 170,
Verb: 37 (22%)
Noun: 36 (21%)
Adverb: 24 (14%)
Pronoun: 18 (11%)
Particle: 16 (9%)
Coordinating conjunction: 9 (5%)
Subordinating conjunction: 8 (5%)
Adjective: 8 (5%)
Postposition: 5 (3%)
Numeral: 3 (2%)
Interjection: 3 (2%)
Preposition: 2 (1%)
Auxiliary verb: 1 (1%)
